Javascript Reflection

01 Sep 2016

Prior to taking ICS314, I had no experience with the JavaScript programming language. I have however worked with various other languages such as C, C++, C#, Java, and Python which I feel have given me a solid foundation in learning other languages.

I’ve noticed a lot of similarities between JavaScript and other programming languages like C. I’ve noticed the syntax for JavaScript is very similar to that of C, an example being the use of a semicolon to denote the end of a statement. These similarities have allowed me to feel comfortable with most of the JavaScript language, and ultimately have made it easy for me to learn. JavaScript is probably considered a good programming language since it is so widely used in various applications, websites being one. It’s very easy to get started with JavaScript and I think that is one of it’s strong points. With any language it all comes down to what you’re trying to accomplish, and a little bit of personal preference.

The athletic software engineering style that we have applied while learning JavaScript has been beneficial. The “Workout of the Day” (WOD) is a great way to reinforce the concepts that we are trying to learn. They’re quick, which I’m a fan of, and they provide a way to apply what you’ve been learning, which in this case is the JavaScript programming language. The idea of working at a task little by little every day seems to be an effective one, and that is why I’m a fan of the athletic style we’ve been working with.